Mail it in
What to Send?
Below you’ll find a list of items that we’ll need from you to start your order.
- Your master. Make sure your master sounds or functions exactly the way you want it to before sending it to us. The finished discs will be an exact match to the master submitted. Please ensure that your master is labeled with your name, phone number and order number.
- Your graphics materials. You can either supply the graphics on a CD-R or USB. Alternatively, you can email them to or upload them by clicking here. Still have more questions? Click here.
How to send in your order:
We recommend using FedEx but any courier that lets you track your shipment will work.
Note: Always keep a backup of any master or artwork you submit, in case your materials are lost or damaged (even the best packaged materials can be damaged in shipping). Train Records is not responsible for masters or original art.
Please send your order to:
Train Records
5250 Satellite Dr., Unit 5
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 5G5
Be sure to include your return address and phone number on the package.